EVO ICL Surgery
At Sambursky
Eye & Esthetics

What Is the EVO ICL?

Trust the experienced eye care team at Sambursky Eye & Esthetics to help you see clearly and comfortably with a revolutionary new technology: the EVO implantable contact lens (ICL). The EVO ICL can correct your vision without needing to rely on eyewear or altering your eye’s natural functions.

Benefits of the EVO Implantable Contact Lenses

The EVO ICL enhances your eye’s ability to see clearly, reducing your dependence on eyeglasses or traditional contact lenses. In addition to improved sight, it also offers reduced glare, improved nighttime vision, and a lessened chance of developing dry eye disease symptoms.

EVO Visian ICL benefits at Sambursky Eye and Esthetics

Who Is a Candidate for the EVO ICL?

The EVO ICL is a great choice for many patients who want to see better without needing to rely on eyewear, and it’s most suited for those between the ages of 21 and 45 who have myopia or astigmatism and a stable vision prescription. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sambursky to learn more about your options and if the EVO ICL is right for you!

EVO ICL candidate couples smiling

ICL Surgery vs. LASIK and PRK

ICL surgery, LASIK, and PRK are all procedures that can help improve your eyesight and reduce your need for corrective eyewear. However, each surgery involves a different procedure, and each is better suited for certain patients depending on their eyes and lifestyle. ICL surgery is a good choice for patients with thinner corneas, as LASIK requires creating an opening in the cornea and PRK involves removing one of the cornea’s outermost layers.

EVO Visian ICL, LASIK, and PRK at Sambursky Eye and Esthetics
Dr. Daniel Sambursky

Meet Your Surgeon

Our EVO ICL surgeon, Dr. Daniel Sambursky, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a pioneer in laser vision correction and corrective vision surgery, particularly with the EVO ICL. After earning his medical degree from the State University of New York, Dr. Sambursky became one of the leading experts in ocular surgery and continues to share his knowledge by teaching other surgeons. Dr. Sambursky is an EVO ICL expert, and has even designed and patented his own intraocular lens!

How Does the Procedure Work?

The EVO ICL is an implantable contact lens that’s placed into your eye, in addition to your eye’s natural lens. This lens is made with biocompatible material and works in tandem with your eyes. The EVO ICL helps us improve your vision, without removing or altering any lens tissue. The lens is inserted during a quick outpatient procedure and involves minimal downtime!

EVO ICL surgical procedure at Sambursky Eye and Esthetics

Why Choose Sambursky Eye & Esthetics for Your EVO ICL Surgery?

The team at Sambursky Eye & Esthetics is comprised of world-class eye experts who want to help each patient get the vision they desire. Dr. Sambursky and our team are passionate about improving the lives of each of their patients through great vision and are dedicated to getting patients the best eyesight by using the latest advancements. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sambursky and learn more about the EVO ICL and all the vision solutions Sambursky Eye & Esthetics has to offer!

Why choose EVO ICL surgery?